Telegram Channel Statistics API

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Get access to analytics of more than33,422+Telegram channels for your app or service

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Extensive Catalog of Telegram Channels

More than 33,422 channels in 12 languages. More than 48,562 new channels are added daily automatically and manually by our users.

Channel Analytics

Number of subscribers, average publication coverage, daily channel coverage, level of subscriber engagement, number of subscribers who subscribed and unsubscribed, as well as their gender and language.

Huge database of Telegram posts

At the moment, our database contains more than 26,087,515 publications. More than 48,562 new publications are added to the database daily

Publication Coverage

We record more than 48,562 views of publications daily. The number of views of any publication in Telegram is available at the moment and dynamically by hours, days, weeks, and months.

Moderation and Verification

All channels go through moderation by real people and are filtered by thematic categories (more than 14 topics), countries and language of content. Some channels are confirmed by their owners.

Reposts and Channel Mentions

More than 396,544 mentions of Telegram channels and reposts between channels.

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2 собственных канала

100 запросов в месяц

за 7 дней упоминания канала

за 7 дней список публикаций канала



120 любых каналов

6,000 запросов в месяц

за 30 дней упоминания канала

за 60 дней список публикаций канала

динамика показателей за 21 день

поддержка 24/7



2,500 любых каналов

140,000 запросов в месяц

за 90 дней упоминания канала

за 180 дней список публикаций канала

за 120 дней динамика показателей

поддержка 24/7



20,000 любых каналов

400,000 запросов в месяц

за 180 дней упоминания канала

за 365 дней список публикаций канала

за 180 дней динамика показателей

поддержка 24/7



∞ колличество канала

4 млн. запросов в месяц

все упоминания канала

полный список публикаций канала

ထ динамика показателей

поддержка 24/7

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